Eola Road Branch
Disfrutaremos de cuentos y canciones en español y en inglés. ¡También habrá tiempo para jugar! para niños de todas edades y sus cuidadores.
We'll enjoy stories and songs in English and Spanish. There will also be play time! For children of all ages and their caregivers.
What are we presenting in today’s storytime? A selection of material will be chosen from the list below:
· A Box Full of Love-Una caja llena de amor by/por Anne Sawan
· Llama, Llama, I love you. Llama, llama, te amo by/por Dewdney Anna
· Brown Sugar Baby Sweetest Love- Bebé azúcar morena el amor más dulce by/por Kevin Lewis
· Babies Love Valentine- A los bebés les encanta San Valentín by/por Hogan Martina
Flannel/Magnet Board Games
· Five little Valentines- Cinco pequeños San Valentín
· Good morning -Buenos dias by/por Jose-Luis Orozco
· Counting Valentines – by the Kiboomers
· Goodbye friends- Adios amigos ... by/por Rosie & Andy bilingual songs for children.
· Love grows https://tinyurl.com/54nmr7hw
AGE GROUP: | Young Children - ages 0-5 |
EVENT TYPE: | Storytime | Reading and Literacy | En Español |
This branch is connected to Washington Middle School and known for its creative displays and programs for adults. Complete with three study rooms and two conference rooms.